Installation = Every Mod Manager for Oblivion should be able to handle this, manual install is of course possible too. esp … Currently Playing: Castlevania SOTN, FF Silver Surfer Gamertag: RGPanzner. Cure Disease Overhaul - Deadly Diseases (OBSE /DiseaseOverhaulNon-OBSE.esp Add: Cure Disease Overhaul - Deadly Diseases (OBSE).esm/Cure Disease Overhaul - Deadly Diseases (Non-OBSE).esm Installation: Just put all the files in your Oblivion/data Folder Uninstallation Remove all files associated to this mod To spawn this item in-game, open the console and type the following command: player.AddItem 000AE723 1. Going to an altar will cure your disease, too.

Cure Common Disease should also be used after combat with diseased creatures for any long-term follower NPCs, like Fjorgeir or the Tribunal expansion's Calvus Horatius. This list is in handy alphabetic categorization. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Talk to Raminus Polus in the Arcane University, located in the Imperial City about Vampirism. Buy a cure disease potion, go to a chapel, or get a spell that cures disease.